Every parent wants Australia’s best beach wagon for their child— a wagon that is sturdy, with plenty of storage space, suitable for all-terrains and keeps their children safe. When we were creating the perfect beach wagon, we found nothing on the market suited our family’s needs, so we decided to create our own... 

Abracadabra! Just like magic, the Burleigh Wagon was born! 

Since creating the Burleigh Wagon, we’ve been inundated with positive feedback. Whether it’s first-time mums, experienced mums, parents of disabled children or even grandparents, every customer we’ve spoken to has told us how much they love our innovative design and functionality. We believe the Burleigh Wagon has the potential to change lives, so we wanted to share the top 5 reasons why we believe our Burleigh Wagon is Australia’s best beach wagon. 

  1. Convertible Wagon Design 

As children grow and develop, their needs change. One minute you have this tiny, sleeping infant, and the next you have a curious, wriggly child, and we wanted a stroller that could grow and develop alongside them. 

Unlike other strollers, we designed the Burleigh Wagon to grow with your kids. Able to transform from a cozy sleeping space for a newborn to a secure open stroller, the Burleigh Wagon will allow young, inquisitive minds to explore the world around them. 

Not simply limited to stroller functionality, the Burleigh Wagon also converts to a changing table with under-seat storage for your nappy bag. When your little one needs a nappy-change, simply pull your nappy bag out of storage, fold the seats into a flat position, and you’re ready to go. 

  1. 3-Point Safety Seatbelts 

When we created the Burleigh Wagon, safety was our highest priority. While we wanted a wagon that was functional, we also wanted to ensure kids of all ages would be safe. The addition of 3-point safety seat belts keep your kids 

secure while they ride and allow the wagon to actually be certified as a double stroller! This makes it perfect for parents who find that they have to wheel multiple children around during the day. The 150 kilogram weight capacity also means it can hold much more than regular canvas wagons.

  1. Unique Steering System 

One of the most unique features of the Burleigh Wagon, and one of the features that we love the most, is our 5th wheel steering system! The steering enables a much smaller turning circle, making it easy to manoeuvre through theme parks, shopping centres and any other busy space. You’ll have no problems taking the wagon for a (literal) spin outdoors at all of your favourite stomping grounds! 

  1. All-terrain wheels 

Who wants to be limited by their stroller? Many other strollers on the market aren’t designed for multiple terrains, and those that were, often cost upwards of $600. We invested huge amounts of time and energy testing various wheels on our wagon, and we ended up with the perfect tyres for all-terrain driving and a range of adventures! 

We’ve tested our wagon on sand, gravel, dirt, mud, snow and just about every type of terrain you can imagine. We’ve had so much positive feedback including how simple the wagon is to pull through a range of environments, and how competitively priced the Burleigh Wagon is when compared to other all-terrain strollers on the market. 

  1. Built-In Charging Ports 

Let’s be honest - We’re on our phones a lot. Whether it’s organising the babysitter, checking local restaurants or grabbing the millionth cute baby photo, our phones are often nearby, so it’s important to make sure they don’t run out of battery mid-adventure and leave us stranded! 

Available on its own or in our Adventure Accessories Bundle, our Bluetooth Speaker comes with two charging ports designed to ensure your phone will never run out of battery. Plug your phone into the large, eco-friendly battery when you run low on juice, and use the speaker to play calming tunes for when your little one needs to catch some z’s. No more worrying about low battery and a stressed-out baby, our Bluetooth speaker can solve both problems for you!